In "Gandrs" range of outdoor items you will find high quality dry bags and backpacks as well as bags for casual use from manufacturers Ortlieb, Aquapack. This section lists everything you might need for...
In "Gandrs" range of outdoor items you will find high quality dry bags and backpacks as well as bags for casual use from manufacturers Ortlieb, Aquapack. This section lists everything you might need for a boat trip, an expedition, biking tour and other types of activities. To eliminate all worries related to water, "Gandrs" offers waterproof bags, bags for collecting and carrying water, waterproof packaging for maps and documents as well as electric devices.
If you are looking for a dry bag for daily use, particularly handy are Ortlieb everyday bags that will protect your belongings from adverse weather and accidentally spilled liquid. Ortlieb dry bag water resistance is based on careful selection of materials and a technology for creating waterproof seams; these bags continue to resist moisture even after a 100,000 mm column of water.
Our stores offer dry bags of various capacity, starting from 1,5L up to 130L, and accessories for repairing and improving the functionality of your bag. The range of accessories includes pipes for drinking systems and waterproof material repair kits. Also available are waterproof headphones and moisture absorbers to protect your belongings if any liquid has been spilled inside the bag.
The shelves of our stores are full of waterproof packaging options as well as dry bags ̶ you will undoubtedly be able to choose the necessary item to make the process of transporting of fluids safe and easy and keep your belongings dry and undamaged. During various hiking or boating trips and participating in other outdoor activities, we recommend that you carefully evaluate whether all of your most important belongings will be protected from moisture and unfavorable weather conditions ̶ including mobile phones, electronic devices, maps and personal documents.