Cancelation of order
- You can cancel your order at any time, including within 14 days after delivery.
- If you are dissatisfied with the state of the package or items, on delivery by a courier, you can have it returned free of charge.
- If you decide to return a product within 14 days, you will have to pay for shipping it back. The item has to be returned as received, including the packaging and protective film.
- We strive to ensure that all orders shipped, contain items in perfect condition. If, however, you find any technical defects within 14 days (Terms of warranty), You can return the product by sending it back to our store. In such case, you have the right to request a replacement of the item or a refund. Also, in case of a defective item, we will cover the return shipping costs.
- If you paid by bank transfer, your refund will be credit back to the same account that issued the original payment. If you wish to receive the refund in another account,the details have to be provided seperately. If you have paid after receiving the product, you can recieve your refund at your post office or have it sent to your bank account.
- On returning a product, it will be checked, which may take up to 10 working days. If the product has been returned in the same condition as received, the refund will be issued immediately.