Trekking or hiking boots are designed for long hikes through mountainous or sparsely populated environment that includes rocky mountain trails, forests, moss, snowy fields or glaciers. Such footwear must...
Trekking or hiking boots are designed for long hikes through mountainous or sparsely populated environment that includes rocky mountain trails, forests, moss, snowy fields or glaciers. Such footwear must be comfortable, breathable and waterproof (feature a membrane). Trekking shoes are designed with quite solid soles; they are strong and durable for safe movements on rough terrain and slippery slopes.
When looking for a new pair of hiking boots and comparing options, it is important to know the features hiking boots have and understand how they function. One of such features is their weight – the lighter your boots, the easier and less tiring your walking will be. Moisture is one of your biggest enemies when it comes to hiking, because it causes blisters. Breathable and waterproof materials will allow moisture to leave the inner parts of your boots but will not let water enter from outside thus solving this issue. Additionally, trekking boots will support your feet and protect the ankles from twisting on uneven surfaces, thus helping you avoid painful sprains. Higher boots with stiff ankle supports provide a big part of the lateral rigidity, as well as support your feet from over-bending when placing too much weight on the toe or heel of your foot. At the same time, trekking boots have enough longitudinal flexibility to support the arches' natural spring action.
Trekking boot soles guarantee the needed friction on all types of surfaces. To achieve this goal, hiking boots have deep-lugged soles of tough rubber. The soles absorb and divert the shocks received while walking, as well as cushion the soles of your feet. They are stiff enough to give enough support but at the same time have enough flexibility to facilitate the natural walking motion of your feet.
Trekking boots for men, women and children – everything for a happy family in "Gandrs", the sports and active leisure equipment stores!