Before you purchase your next set of climbing holds, you'll need to consider some key points to select the right set. The steepness of your wall, the number of different angles, its overall size, who will...
Before you purchase your next set of climbing holds, you'll need to consider some key points to select the right set. The steepness of your wall, the number of different angles, its overall size, who will be using it and for what purpose – these are all important factors that determine what type of holds are the best for you.
Durability is an important consideration when it comes to climbing holds. You'll be placing all of your weight on them, both yarding with your arms and stepping with your feet. You need to crank them down tightly (so that they don't spin) without cracking the hold, and you will want a product that won't chip or fall apart from one or two tosses in the hold bucket. Climbing holds are made of several different types of compounds like urethane, polyurethane and polystyrene, and are available in three sizes.
Climbing holds come in a huge variety of shapes from blobs to bats. Many of these shapes try to mimic real rock features while others are merely for fun. But it is not the specific shape that matters, but rather how that shape can be utilized. In fact, even turning the same shape upside down might result in a completely different type of hold.