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Swim Goggles Sonic JR




0.085 kg

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These one piece goggles for children and teenagers are made of extremely soft, non-toxic silicone made from LRS (Liquid Silicone Rubber) to provide exceptional durability and comfort. LRS is extremely long-lasting and damage resistant, retaining elasticity normally lost when exposed too high and low temperatures and UV rays. These LRS goggles offer a very secure (due to the low volume inside the google), high-comfort and leak-proof fit for all face shapes.

SONIC JR goggles provide a very secure (due to low volume of air inside the googles), high comfort and leak-proof fit for all face shapes. The slightly curved, specially-prepared lenses made from damage-resistant Hard High Grade Polycarbonate have Anti Fog and UV protection, giving superb vision with a fashionable look. The lens shape is highly hydrodynamic, great for rough water, and the racy design is very close to the face helping to eliminate vibrations created by water flowing over the goggles. SONIC JR goggles feature an easy and quick-to-use Easy Clip buckle for regulating the double head strap, mounted directly to the silicone skirt for greater convenience and comfort. A great pair of goggles for swim training and fitness swimming.

Availability Everything found in the catalog is available in our stores and warehouses
Color: Price: Location: Barcode:
Black 10.50 EUR K28 V L 5908217630650 Barkods Add to cart
Grey 10.50 EUR K28 V L 5908217630674 Barkods Add to cart
By product Glasses
Material Liquid Silicon Rubber (LSR) - šķidra silikona gumija
Weight 0.085 kg
Catalog numbers SONIC JR
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